Page 216 - Schut Catalog
P. 216

DIAL INDICATORS                                               Schut for Precision

Mitutoyo Absolute Digimatic dial indicators ID‑S / ID‑S Solar

  Standard digital dial indicators with the absolute measuring system and a very good
price‑performance ratio.

	 Measuring range: 0 - 12.7 mm.                        	 Protection: IP42.
	 Resolution: 0.01 or 0.001 mm.                        	 Conforms to factory standard.
	 Digimatic data output.                               	 Delivery with a manufacturer measuring report.
	 Max. measuring speed: unlimited.                     	 Power supply: 1 battery type V357
	 Measuring force: 	
  543.781/790: ≤ 2.0 N, 	
  543.500: ≤ 1.5 N.
	 Clamping stem: ø 8 mm.
	 Tungsten carbide stylus tip.
	 Reversible measuring direction.

Item No. Measuring 	 Resolution 	 Accuracy 	 Price
range/mm                    mm              mm EUR

543.781 	 0	-	12.7 	 0.01 	 ± 0.02 187.00                     543.790                     543.500
543.790 	 0	-	12.7 	 0.001 	 ± 0.003 357.00

ID‑S Solar:                                                        Data cables Digimatic,
543.500 	 0	-	12.7 	 0.001 	 ± 0.003 367.00                   USB Input Tool Direct, U-WAVE

Option:                                                 0.90        available on request.
836.535 Battery type V357

Mitutoyo Absolute Digimatic dial indicator ID‑U

  Dial indicator from Mitutoyo that combines the absolute system with a measuring
range of 25.4 mm.

	 Measuring range: 0 - 25.4 mm.                        	 Dimensions:
	 Resolution: 0.01 mm.                                   207.3 x 38 x 23 mm.
	 Digimatic data output.
	 On/off switch.                                       	 Protection: IP42.
	 Reset.                                               	 Conforms to factory standard.
	 Max. measuring speed: unlimited.                     	 Power supply: 1 battery
	 Measuring force: ≤ 1.8 N.
	 Clamping stem: ø 8 mm.                                 type V357.
	 Tungsten carbide stylus tip.
	 Reversible measuring direction.

Item No. Measuring 	 Accuracy 	 Price
range/mm                    mm EUR

575.121 	 0	-	25.4 	 ± 0.02 254.00                           Data cables Digimatic,
                                                        USB Input Tool Direct, U-WAVE
Options:                                     0.90                                                          C05.213.EN.20250106
836.535 Battery type V357                   54.00             available on request.
540.774 Lift lever (12 mm)

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