Page 410 - Schut Catalog
P. 410

MAGNIFIERS                                                                       Schut for Precision

Peak zoom magnifiers 8-16x and 10-20x

  Unique stepless zoom lens with sufficient brightness in
each stage of magnification and a minimum of optical aber­
ration. With click‑stop on magnifications 8/10/12/14/16x
and 10/15/20x, respectively. Equipped with scale.
	 Field of view: ø 20 - 10 mm or ø 13 - 7 mm.
	 Graduation: 0.1 mm.
	 For optional scales: see “Peak

  scales ø 35 mm”.

                                                            904.028        905.198      905.197

Item No. Magnification Field of view 	      Adjustment range 	 Measuring 	 Dimensions 	 Price
                                     ø/mm              eye correction  range/mm         mm EUR

905.197 	 8	-	16x 	 20	-	10                            +2.5D to –5D 	  16        	 ø	45	x	65 217.00
905.198 	 10	-	20x 	 13	-	 7                           +5D to –3.5D 	  12        	 ø	42	x	52 237.00
904.028 Illumination                                                                    33.40
495.153 Battery type C (2 needed)                                                        1.50

  Peak telecentric magnifier 7x                               Peak stand magnifier 4x

  A telecentric magnifier shows objects,                      This practical and convenient magnifier can
which are at different distances, with the same             be used for many purposes, like inspecting
magnification. In this way 3D objects, or e.g.              films. The magnifier is delivered with a clear
a needle above a scale, can be shown and                    and a black base, which allows you, depending
measured accurately without parallax error.                 on the amount of light, to choose the base which
	 Field of view:                                           is most suitable for your application.
                                                            	 Field of view: ø 45 mm.
  ø 24 mm.                                                  	 Dimensions: 51 x 51 x 65 mm.
	 Measuring range                                          	 Weight: 80 g.

  scale: 20 mm.
	 Graduation: 0.1 mm.
	 Adjustable diaphragm

  with apertures ø 0.5,
  1 and 3 mm.
	 Dimensions:
  ø 38 x 74 mm.
	 For optional scales:
  see “Peak scales
  ø 26 mm”.

Item No. Description                        Price EUR

905.136 Telecentric magnifier 7x 	 146.00                   Item No. Description        Price EUR                   C13.203.EN.20250106
           including case and standard scale 	              905.399 Stand magnifier 4x        61.00
           (for scales of ø 26 mm)

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