Page 408 - Schut Catalog
P. 408

MAGNIFIERS                                                            Schut for Precision

  Peak stand magnifier 5x                        Peak stand magnifier 10x

  Standard, all-purpose                                                    Standard, all-purpose
magnifier.                                                              magnifier. Very suitable
	 Dimensions:                                                          for inspection of tissues,
                                                                        structures and photo­
  ø 35 x 55 mm.                                                         graphic negatives.
                                                                          Dimensions:
                                                                        	 ø 34 x 41 mm.

Item No. Price EUR                               Item No. Price EUR

905.110  8.70                                    905.112  13.60

  Peak stand magnifier 10x

  A simple, all-purpose magnifier.
	 Dimensions:

  ø 41 / ø 45 x 40 mm.

                                                 Item No. Price EUR

                                                 905.316  7.30

  Peak stand magnifier 15x                       Peak stand magnifier 22x

  Bright images with                                                       Bright images with
high contrast due to a                                                  high contrast due to a
coated achromatic lens.                                                 coated achromatic lens.
With wide acrylic tube.                                                 Suitable for inspection of
	 Dimensions:                                                          high precision work.
                                                                          Dimensions:
  ø 27 / ø 36 x 33 mm.                                                  	 ø 28 x 30 mm.

Item No. Price EUR                               Item No. Price EUR                                 C13.201.EN.20240626

905.114  18.00                                   905.116  36.60

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