Page 411 - Schut Catalog
P. 411

Schut Geometrical Metrology                                          TELESCOPES / MAGNIFIERS

  Peak stand magnifier 8x                                       Peak light magnifier 3.5x

  Convenient and smartly designed magnifier                     Large square lens (52 x 52 mm) of plastic
with achromatic lens. A scale is engraved at the              with illumination, e.g. for reading maps and
bottom of the transparent acrylic base. Photo­                indicators, and for inspection of production
graphic negatives can be inspected using the                  processes.
base with opal glass.                                         	 Dimensions: 60 x 75 x 190 mm.
	 Field of view: 24 x 36 mm.                                 	 Weight (without batteries): 120 g.
	 Dimensions without base: 46 x 49 x 39 mm.                  	 Power supply: 2 batteries type C.
	 Weight: 52 g.

Item No. Description                        Price EUR         Item No. Description           Price EUR
905.290 Magnifier w/o base                        34.60
Option:                                                       905.212 Magnifier (w/o batteries) 30.60
905.291 Base                                      12.30
                                                              Option:                            1.50
                                                              495.153 Battery type C (2 needed)

  Peak monocular telescopes

  Lightweight pocket-size telescopes with erect image.
	 Dimensions 905.207: ø 22.5 x 50 mm, 	

  	 905.208: ø 22.5 x 53 mm.
	 Weight: 32 g.
	 Delivery in a soft case.


Item No. Magnifi-	 Lens aperture 	          Close focus 	            Field of view 	 Field of view * Price
cation          ø/mm                        distance/mm                 (angle) 	 ø/mm	 ø/m EUR

905.207 	 2x 	   8                          	 100                    	 11°          	 12	 192 185.00              C13.204.EN.20250106
905.208 	 4x 	  10                          	 220                    	 10°          	 29	 175 185.00

*	Field of view respectively at close focus distance and at 1000 m.

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