Page 392 - Schut Catalog
P. 392

GAUGES                                                                     Schut for Precision

  LMW taper gauges

  To increase the already large capacity to transmit moments, some taper gauges are furnished with a
lip which functions as catch lock.



Morse taper gauges                          832.540                                               832.561

Indica-	              Without lip, DIN 229            Price     Item No.	  With lip, DIN 230      Price
 tion 	   Item No.	 Price	 Item No.	                  EUR       	             Price	 Item No.	    EUR
Morse     	 EUR	 	                                              Plug:	        EUR	 	
	         Plug:	             	              Ring:     209.00    832.554	           	    Ring:       326.00
	0        832.531	    83.00	                832.532	  203.00    832.556	   121.00	      832.553	    319.00
	1        832.533	    88.00	                832.534	  198.00    832.558	   124.00	      832.555	    313.00
	2        832.535	    98.00	                832.536	  240.00    832.560	   140.00	      832.557	    376.00
	3        832.537	   117.00	                832.538	  297.00    832.562	   170.00	      832.559	    463.00
	4        832.539	   146.00	                832.540	  402.00    832.564	   209.00	      832.561	    626.00
	5        832.541	   217.00	                832.542	  637.00               293.00	      832.563	  1,027.00
	6        832.543	   294.00	                832.544	                       430.00	      832.565	

Metric taper gauges

Indica-	              Without lip, DIN 234            Price                   With lip, DIN 235   Price
 tion 	   Item No.	 Price	 Item No.	                  EUR       Item No.	 Price	 Item No.	        EUR
metric    	 EUR	 	                                              	 EUR	 	

	         Plug:	               	            Ring:       335.00  Plug:	               	  Ring:     1,778.00
	4        804.001	     108.00	              804.011	    335.00  –	                   	  –         2,410.00
	6        804.002	     108.00	              804.012	  1,092.00  –	                   	  –         3,440.00
	 80      804.003	     519.00	              804.013	  1,471.00  804.021	     681.00	    804.031	
	 100     804.004	     811.00	              804.014	  2,300.00  804.022	   1,071.00	    804.032	
	 120     804.005	   1,217.00	              804.015	            804.023	   1,547.00	    804.033	

Short taper gauges

Indica-	    Plug, DIN 2079                   Ring, DIN 2080
 tion 	   Item No.	 Price                   Item No.	 Price
  SK      	 EUR                             	 EUR

	 30      832.568	   188.00                 832.569	    303.00  832.568
	 40      832.570	   230.00                 832.571	    397.00
	 50      832.572	   323.00                 832.573	    657.00                                    832.571    C12.206.EN.20250106
	 60      832.574	   652.00                 832.575	  1,117.00

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