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Schut Geometrical Metrology                                                                    GAUGES

LMW thread plug and ring gauges (continued)

  Hardened steel thread plug gauges (up to 11/4: Go + NoGo, from 13/8: Go and NoGo separate) and thread ring
gauges (Go or NoGo) for American screw thread UNC and UNF manufactured according ANSI B1.2 class 2B
(thread plug) and BS 919 2A (thread ring; manufactured according ANSI B1.2 class 2A available on request).

Indication 	     Price EUR	                  Price EUR	
UNC             Thread plug                 Thread ring

	 No   1	-	64            75.00               69.00            Indication 	      Price EUR	      Price EUR	
	 No   2	-	56            73.00               66.00            UNF              Thread plug     Thread ring
	 No   3	-	48            70.00               61.00
	 No   4	-	40            68.00               60.00            	 No   0	-	80            75.00    69.00
	 No   5	-	40            66.00               59.00            	 No   1	-	72            70.00    66.00
	 No   6	-	32            65.00               56.00            	 No   2	-	64            70.00    61.00
	 No   8	-	32            67.00               62.00            	 No   3	-	56            68.00    60.00
	 No 10	-	24             65.00               66.00            	 No   4	-	48            63.00    59.00
	 No 12	-	24             73.00               71.00            	 No   5	-	44            65.00    56.00
	   1/4	 -	20            74.00               77.00            	 No   6	-	40            67.00    62.00
	   5/16	 -	18           81.00               90.00            	 No   8	-	36            69.00    63.00
	   3/8	 -	16            86.00               99.00            	 No 10	-	32             69.00    71.00
	   7/16	 -	14           94.00              115.00            	 No 12	-	28             77.00    81.00
	   1/2	 -	13           112.00              131.00            	   1/4	 -	28            77.00    90.00
	   9/16	 -	12          126.00              151.00            	   5/16	 -	24           79.00    99.00
	   5/8	 -	11           140.00              167.00            	   3/8	 -	24            93.00   115.00
	   3/4	 -	10           159.00              191.00            	   7/16	 -	20          103.00   131.00
	   7/8	 -	  9                                                	   1/2	 -	20           113.00   151.00
	 1	 -	  8      Thread plug                 Thread            	   9/16	 -	18          127.00   175.00
	 11/8	 -	  7   Go NoGo                        ring           	   5/8	 -	18           140.00   191.00
	 11/4	 -	  7                                                 	   3/4	 -	16
	Indication      98.00   88.00              211.00            	   7/8	 -	14    Thread plug     Thread
UNC             108.00   97.00              226.00            	 1	 -	12        Go NoGo            ring
                129.00  116.00              265.00            	 11/8	 -	12
	 13/8	-	6      147.00  132.00              303.00            	 11/4	 -	12     87.00  78.00    211.00
	 11/2	-	6      165.00  150.00              345.00            	Indication      89.00  81.00    226.00
	 13/4	-	5      185.00  167.00              386.00            UNF
	 2	 -	41/2     205.00  185.00              430.00
	 21/4	-	41/2   224.00  203.00              469.00            	 13/8    	-	12
	 21/2	-	4      244.00  221.00              513.00            	 11/2	 -	12
	 23/4	-	4      263.00  239.00              554.00
	 3	 -	4        282.00  255.00              594.00
	 31/4	-	4      301.00  272.00              639.00
	 31/2	-	4
	 33/4	-	4
	 4	 -	4

  Hardened steel tapered thread plug and                      Indication 	     Price EUR 	     Price EUR 	
thread ring gauges NPT for sealing pipe thread.               NPT..."          Thread plug     Thread ring
Manufactured according ANSI/ASME B1.20.1.
                                                              	   1/16                 190.00          271.00
                                                              	   1/8                  196.00          264.00            C12.211.EN.20250106
                                                              	   1/4                  198.00          278.00
                                                              	   3/8                  225.00          308.00
                                                              	   1/2                  244.00          334.00
                                                              	   3/4                  259.00          367.00
                                                              	1                       314.00          415.00
                                                              	 11/4                   377.00          463.00
                                                              	 11/2                   424.00          537.00
                                                              	2                       523.00          654.00
                                                              	 21/2                   595.00          750.00
                                                              	3                       726.00          960.00

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