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P. 248

DIAL TEST INDICATORS                                                                               Schut for Precision

Mitutoyo lever-type dial test indicators 0.001 and 0.002 mm

These dial test indicators are able to measure in both directions without having to switch direction.

	 Measuring range: up to 0.6 mm.                                                                  Inserts
	 Graduation: 513.401: 0.001 mm, 	
                                                                                                   Item No. Ball 	 Price
  	 513.465/406/425/475: 0.002 mm.                                                                               ø/mm EUR
	 With dovetail joint and clamping stem ø 8 mm.
	 Dial diameter: 513.465: ø 29 mm, 	                                                              For 513.401:             21.00
                                                                                                   103.010 1 	 2            30.00
  	 513.401/406/425/475: ø 40 mm.                                                                  290.547 3 	 0.5          24.00
	 Rotatable dial.                                                                                 290.548 3 	 0.7          16.00
	 Tungsten carbide stylus tip: ø 2 mm, (except                                                    103.017 1 	 1            33.00
                                                                                                   210.209 2 	 2            16.00
  513.475, ruby stylus tip: ø 2 mm).                                                               103.018 1 	 3
	 Insert thread: M1.7.
	 Jewel beared clockwork.                                                                         For 513.465/406/425/475:
	 Antimagnetic.
	 Delivery in a plastic case with a manufacturer                                                  103.011 1 	 2            21.00

  measuring report and a clamping stem.                                                            131.314 1 	 1            10.00
	 Various different models available.
                                                                                                   131.315 1 	 3            12.00

                                                                                                   210.068 2 	 2            25.00

                                                         513.401                                   1	Tungsten carbide.
                                                                                                   2	Ruby.
                                                                                                   3	Steel.

Item No.  	 Measuring	  Accuracy 	 Measuring 	 Scale 	    Insert                    Insert length  Price EUR
          	 range/mm	      mm force/N numbering                                     (L1/L2)/mm
513.401                                                  103.010                                       187.00
513.465   	 0.14	       0.003 	 ≤ 0.3       0 - 70 - 0   103.011                     14.7/11.2         178.00           L1  L2
513.406   	 0.2	        0.003 	 ≤ 0.3       0 - 100 - 0  103.011                     18.7/15.2         137.00
513.425   	 0.2	        0.003 	 ≤ 0.3       0 - 100 - 0  103.011                     18.7/15.2         188.00
513.475   	 0.6	        0.007 	 ≤ 0.4       0 - 100 - 0  210.068                     18.7/15.2         164.00
          	 0.2	        0.003 	 ≤ 0.3       0 - 100 - 0                              18.7/15.2

  Mitutoyo lever-type dial test indicator sets                                                              513.404

The sets 513.404/408 consist of:                                                                  513.404                 513.908
 –	lever-type dial test indicator,
 –	insert with tungsten carbide tip ø 1 mm, ø 2 mm and ø 3 mm,                         Accuracy/mm                  Price EUR
 –	union nut, clamping stem ø 4 mm and ø 8 mm,
 –	universal rotatable holder,                                                              0.008                       143.00
 –	clamping stem for height gauge (9 x 9 x 100 mm),                                         0.003                       175.00
 –	manufacturer measuring report and plastic case.                                          0.008                       167.00
Set 513.908 consists of:
 –	lever-type dial test indicator,
 –	insert with tungsten carbide tip ø 2 mm,
 –	small magnetic dial indicator stand (150 N

  magnetic force, holder ø 6 mm and ø 8 mm),
 –	shaft with serrated clamping ring,
 –	manufacturer measuring report and plastic case.

Item No.  Description

513.404   Lever-type dial test indicator 0.8 mm (513.403) with several accessories  	                                              C05.328.EN.20250106
513.408   Lever-type dial test indicator 0.2 mm (513.406) with several accessories  	
513.908   Lever-type dial test indicator 0.8 mm (513.403) 	                         	
          with small magnetic dial indicator stand

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