Page 172 - Schut Catalog
P. 172

BENCH CENTERS                                                                

Bench centers

  Cast iron base with the measuring face’s accuracy according DIN 876/1. Supplied with two tail­
stocks, one with a fixed center point and one with an adjustable center point by means of a lever.

	 Center height: 50 mm (without V‑shaped                	 Total height (incl. measuring stand): 260 mm.
  supports) or 75 mm (P models; with                     	 Width T‑slot: 10H7.
  V‑shaped supports on the tailstocks).                  	 Vertical models are also available.

	 Max. center distance: 200 or 350 mm.                857.140
	 Center points: 60°.
	 Capacity V‑shaped supports: ø 5 - 20 mm.
	 Stroke moveable center point: 8 mm.
	 Delivery incl. measuring stand 857.140

  (column ø 16 x 220 mm, clamping shaft
  8H7, with fine adjustment), excl. dial
  indicator or measuring probe.
	 Dimensions measuring face:
  350 x 110 or 500 x 110 mm
  (including face for
  measuring stand).


Item No. Type         Center height                    Max. center    Measuring   Weight    Price
                           mm                          distance/mm    face/mm          kg   SEK

857.132 RP 50‑200 	              50         	               200       	 350	x	110 	 8 9,168.00
857.133 RP 75‑200P 	             75         	               200       	 350	x	110 	 9 9,876.00
857.134 RP 50‑350 	              50         	               350       	 500	x	110 	 11 11,364.00
857.135 RP 75‑350P 	             75         	               350       	 500	x	110 	 12 12,036.00

Item No. Description                        Price SEK       Center points (ø 16 mm)
                                                            	 With tungsten carbide point 60°, or with bore
857.174 Pair of center points   1,548.00
with tungsten carbide point 60°                               according DIN 332‑A 1.6 x 3.8.

857.155 Pair of center points               960.00
with bore
857.180 Pair of prism inserts               1,344.00
                                                                      857.174               857.155

857.138 Pair of V‑blocks                    2,532.00        Prism inserts 90°               857.180
857.139 Pair of roller blocks               3,048.00        	 Capacity: ø 3 - 15 mm.
857.172 Stop                                1,044.00        	 Center height at
857.173 Dial indicator holder               1,020.00
                                                              ø 10 mm:  
857.140 Extra measuring stand 1,368.00                        70 mm (RP 50) or
                                                              95 mm (RP 75).

857.138                                                     V‑blocks 90° and roller blocks                           C06.222.Promet.20240517
                                                            	 Capacity V‑blocks: ø 5 - 25 mm.
                                                            	 Capacity roller blocks: ø 2 - 40 mm.
                                                            	 Center height at ø 10 mm: 65 mm.
                                                            	 Stop (857.172): ø 8 mm.
                                                            	 Dial indicator holder (857.173): shaft 8H7.

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