Page 269 - Schut Catalog
P. 269
Schut Geometrical Metrology MF MEASURING FIXTURE SYSTEM
MF measuring fixture system (continued)
For a quick start MF is also available in stan Download the
dard sets for a complete and quick solution for brochure from
both horizontal support or vertical clamping.
One of the big advantages of MF is the ease
and flexibility to create a stable measuring fixture
especially suitable for repeating measurements
with only very little effort and investments. To
make the start with MF as easy as possible some
standard sets have been composed that can realize
the most occuring measuring fixtures.
The easy assembly and modular setup make
MF especially suitable for application in tailor-
made and designed measuring systems.
For many years now Schut has been develop
ing tailor-made solutions in measuring systems
for its customers nationwide and abroad. On
many occasions MF parts have been incorpo
rated in these systems. We would be pleased to
inform you about the possibilities to have your
measuring system custom built, updated or
These sets consist of a composition of standard
MF components, so it can be easily extended to
your liking for specific applications. All in this
catalogue depicted measuring fixtures are just a
few of the many possibilities of MF.
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