Page 268 - Schut Catalog
P. 268

MF MEASURING FIXTURE SYSTEM                         Schut for Precision

  MF measuring fixture system                         MF’s high quality and low price make an
                                                    ideal addition to existing measuring systems and
  MF is a universal construction system based       can be applied in production plants.
on components to quickly and easy build custom
measuring fixtures.                                   The universal properties of MF result in a
                                                    highly flexible construction system. The use
  The system has been developed by Schut Geo­       of internationally applied units of fit for e.g.
metrical Metrology. The parts of MF are made        dial indicators and electronic probes make the
from high quality steel and colored, anodized       system’s components widely applicable. With
aluminum.                                           just some base elements it is very easy to create
                                                    some individual measuring points on e.g. pro­
  The system consists of, among other things,       duction machines.
base plates, parallel spring elements, mounting
bars, probe holders and probes. A stable product                                 Clamping bus
positioning is required for accurate measure­                                          (VKE)
ments and because of the system’s sophisticated
composition, it is possible to generate a com­
plete measuring system with only a few parts.
Ideal for repeating measurements.

  The components of MF are based on both
horizontal support or vertical clamping. The
wide range and shapes of probes make the
system suitable for e.g. lathed parts but also
for (more complicated) milling parts. For these
various applications some complete sets are
available, as a starter-set or for specific appli­
ca­tions. Besides this, the variety of individual
components and the ease of use enable almost
endless possibilities of applying and in­cor­
po­rating MF in other measuring fixtures that
may be custom build or composed of other
construction systems.

  All individual components are available
separately, increasing flexibility of use. Schut
Geometrical Metrology has incorporated MF
many times in custom built measuring systems
(see elsewhere in this catalogue).

   Parallel spring element                                                                            Download the
               (PE)                                                                                   brochure from

Mounting bar                                                                                  
      Probe                                                                           Holder ø 10 mm
      (AF04)                                                                                (SH02)

                                                    Length measuring element                                         C22.201.EN.20250106
                                                           with stroke limit

                            Holder ø 8 mm

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