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Schut Geometrical Metrology                                                             MICROMETERS

Mitutoyo Digimatic and QuantuMike micrometers IP65

  These digital Coolant Proof micrometers have an IP65 classification and are therefore not only
resistent to dust but can also withstand water jets and splashing coolant. The large and clear LCD with
7.5 mm high digits enables easy read-out. The revolutionary QuantuMike has a spindle pitch of 2 mm.
The spindle feed is therefore 4x faster compared to a standard micrometer. The Quantumike is easy to
set up using a PC. Even a calculation function is possible and setting a calibration date.

	 Measuring range: 0 - 150 mm, 	
	 QuantuMike 0 - 100 mm.
	 Resolution: 0.001 mm.
	 ABS/INC switchable.
	 Automatic switch-off.
	 Reset.                                                                               QuantuMike with
	 ABS reset by means of origin.                                                        data output.

	 Hold function.
	 Protection against incorrect measuring
speed (only QuantuMike).
	 1 revolution of the thimble = 2 mm 	
(only QuantuMike).
	 Tungsten carbide measuring faces:
  ø 6.35 mm.                                Item No.        Measuring 	     Accuracy 	   Digimatic 	       Price
	 Varnished frame with insulating grip.                    range/mm           mm           output         EUR

	 Protection: IP65.                        293.240 	 0	-	 25 	              ± 0.001          no         244.00
                                                                             ± 0.001          no         342.00
	 Conforms to factory standard.            293.241      	 25	-	 50 	        ± 0.002          no         412.00
	 Delivery in a plastic case with a        293.242      	 50	-	 75 	        ± 0.002          no         469.00
                                            293.243      	 75	-	100 	        ± 0.001     Digimatic       315.00
  manufacturer measuring report             293.230      	 0	-	 25 	         ± 0.001     Digimatic       373.00
  (0 - 50 mm).                              293.231      	 25	-	 50 	        ± 0.002     Digimatic       490.00
	 Power supply: 1 battery type V357.                                        ± 0.002     Digimatic       530.00
                                            293.232 	 50	-	 75 	             ± 0.002     Digimatic       719.00
                                                                             ± 0.002     Digimatic       740.00
	 Battery life: approx. 2.4 years.         293.233      	   75	-	100    	
	 The standard model with data output      293.250      	  100	-	125    	   ± 0.001          no         269.00
                                            293.251      	  125	-	150    	   ± 0.001          no         371.00
  (293.230 - 293.233) is available up to                                     ± 0.002          no         443.00
  300 mm, and is also available in sets.    QuantuMike:        0	-	 25   	   ± 0.002          no         504.00
	 Models with ratchet thimble are          293.145 	        25	-	 50    	   ± 0.001    Digimatic S1     380.00
  available up to 100 mm measuring          293.146 	        50	-	 75    	   ± 0.001    Digimatic S1     468.00
range.                                      293.147 	                        ± 0.002    Digimatic S1     556.00
                                                                             ± 0.002    Digimatic S1     628.00
                                            293.148 	 75	-	100 	

                                            293.140 	 0	-	 25 	

                                            293.141 	 25	-	 50 	

                                            293.142 	 50	-	 75 	

                                            293.143 	 75	-	100 	

QuantuMike without data output.             Options:     Battery type V357                                  0.90
                                            836.535      Digimatic data cable, 1 m                       105.00
                                            105.662 1    Digimatic data cable, 2 m                       107.00
                                            105.663 1    Digimatic USB Input Tool Direct cable, 2 m      141.00
                                            106.380 1    Digimatic U-WAVE fit connector                  110.00
                                            102.310 1,2  Digimatic S1 data cable, 1 m
                                            106.111 1    Digimatic S1 data cable, 2 m                    187.00
                                            106.121 1    Digimatic S1 USB Input Tool Direct cable, 2 m   187.00
                                            206.001 1    Digimatic S1 U-WAVE fit connector
                                            102.960 1,2  U-WAVE fit transmitter IP67
                                            264.622 2    U-WAVE Bluetooth transmitter IP 67
                                            264.626 2

                                            1	With data switch.                                                      C03.302.EN.20250106
                                            2	Connector + transmitter are needed.

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