Page 68 - Schut Catalog
P. 68

CALIPERS                                                                  Schut for Precision

  Dial calipers                                                                 906.500

  Stainless steel dial calipers with protected rack.  Item No.   Measuring range/mm      Price EUR
	 Measuring range:
                                                      Graduation 0.02 mm, 1 revolution = 2 mm:
  0 - 300 mm.
	 Graduation: 	                                      906.500 	        0	-	150                  39.30
  0.01 or 0.02 mm.                                    906.499 	        0	-	200                  75.00
	 Accuracy: ± 0.03 mm.
	 1 pointer revolution = 	                           906.501 	        0	-	300

  1 or 2 mm.                                          Graduation 0.01 mm, 1 revolution = 1 mm:
	 Rotatable dial.
	 Thumb wheel.                                       906.498 	        0	-	150                  48.00
	 Delivery in a plastic case.

High-quality plastic calipers

  These modern designed Swiss calipers are made of fiberglass reinforced plastic, which makes them
very firm and light, wear-proof, and resistant to all kinds of chemicals – ideal for the workshop!

	 Measuring range: 0 - 150 mm.                       837.207
	 Thumb wheel.                                               837.205
	 Flat depth rod.
Vernier caliper
	 Vernier: 0.1 mm / 1/64 inch.
	 The scale lights up with minimal


Dial caliper                                                     837.201
	 Graduation: 0.1 mm.
	 1 pointer revolution = 10 mm.                      Item No. Description               Price EUR
	 Rotatable dial, ø 32 mm.                           837.207 Vernier caliper                  20.60
	 The dial is shockproof and can be set to           837.205 Dial caliper                     25.10
                                                      837.201 Digital caliper                  72.00
  zero.                                               Option:
Digital caliper                                       836.535 Battery type V357                 0.90
	 Resolution: 0.01 mm.
	 mm/inch conversion.
	 On/reset switch.
	 Off switch.
	 Power supply: 1 battery type V357.

  Brass caliper                                                                      841.629

  Brass caliper with a vernier.                       Item No. Measuring 	 Jaw length 	 Price
	 Measuring range: 0 - 100 mm.                                     range/mm mm EUR
	 Vernier: 0.1 mm, parallax-free.
	 Dovetail guide.                                    841.628 	 0	-	 80 	        20             5.80   C02.359.EN.20250106
	 Antimagnetic.                                      841.629 	 0	-	100 	        20


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