Page 169 - Schut Catalog
P. 169
Schwenk internal measuring instruments for great depths
Special series of internal measuring instruments with extra long handles for measuring cylindric
bores and form deviations of bores up to 2.5 meters.
Measuring range: 4.5 - 800 mm.
Measuring depth: 250 - 2500 mm.
Read-out depends on the type of dial
indicator or measuring probe.
Clamping shaft: ø 8 mm.
Self-centering bridge with wear-
resistant coating.
Fixed measuring probe supplied with
tungsten carbide ball tip.
Interchangeable probes supplied with
tungsten carbide ball tip.
Delivery in a wooden case with
measuring inserts and spacer rings
(from 12 mm).
Excl. dial indicator or measuring probe.
Meas. depth 250 mm 500 mm 750 mm 1000 mm 1250 mm 1500 mm 2000 mm 2500 mm
Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No.
Measuring Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. Price EUR Price EUR Price EUR Price EUR
range/mm Price EUR Price EUR Price EUR Price EUR
852.537 852.543 852.544 852.545
4.5 - 6 852.520 1,507.00 1,512.00 1,627.00 2,040.00
2,010.00 852.542 852.551 852.552 852.553
1,490.00 1,701.00 1,922.00 2,220.00
6 - 8 852.521 852.522 852.523 852.524 852.550 852.559 852.560 852.561
1,452.00 1,601.00 1,672.00 1,773.00 1,635.00 1,735.00 1,951.00 2,250.00
852.558 852.566 852.567 852.568
8 - 12 852.525 852.526 852.527 852.528 1,662.00 2,090.00 2,220.00 2,520.00
1,401.00 1,541.00 1,635.00 1,712.00 852.565 852.573 852.574 852.575
1,872.00 2,140.00 2,270.00 2,560.00
12 - 20 852.529 852.530 852.531 852.532 852.572 852.580 852.581 852.582
863.00 1,113.00 1,168.00 1,278.00 1,922.00 2,990.00 3,160.00 3,440.00
852.579 852.587 852.588 852.589
18 - 35 852.533 852.534 852.535 852.536 2,370.00 3,030.00 3,200.00 3,490.00
846.00 1,029.00 1,184.00 1,351.00 852.586 852.594 852.595 852.596
2,420.00 4,530.00 5,180.00 5,670.00
35 - 60 852.538 852.539 852.540 852.541 852.593 852.601 852.602 852.603
823.00 1,013.00 1,162.00 1,445.00 4,220.00 4,590.00 5,230.00 5,730.00
852.600 852.606 852.607 852.608
50 - 100 852.546 852.547 852.548 852.549 4,280.00 5,800.00 6,500.00 6,980.00
1,002.00 1,184.00 1,223.00 1,568.00 852.605
50 - 150 852.554 852.555 852.556 852.557
1,029.00 1,212.00 1,252.00 1,596.00
100 - 160 852.562 852.563 852.564
1,378.00 1,573.00 1,768.00
100 - 230 852.569 852.570 852.571
1,423.00 1,617.00 1,812.00
160 - 290 852.576 852.577 852.578
1,878.00 2,070.00 2,250.00
160 - 360 852.583 852.584 852.585
1,929.00 2,120.00 2,300.00
280 - 410 852.590 852.591 852.592
3,310.00 3,460.00 4,140.00
280 - 510 852.597 852.598 852.599
3,370.00 3,520.00 4,210.00
500 - 800 852.604
See for dial indicators the page “Schwenk precision dial indicators”.
© 2025, Schut Geometrische Meettechniek bv 169 Measuring instruments and systems 2023/2024