Page 93 - Schut Catalog
P. 93

Schut Geometrical Metrology                                                   MICROMETERS

Digital micrometers

Rugged digital micrometers with simple functions and an excellent price-performance ratio.

	 Measuring range: 0 - 150 mm.                                               	 Delivery in a plastic case with a manufacturer
	 Resolution: 0.001 mm.                                                        measuring report.
	 mm/inch conversion.
	 ABS/INC switchable.                                                        	 Power supply: 1 battery type CR2032.
	 Automatic switch-off.
	 Reset/preset.                                                              Item No. Measuring 	 Accuracy 	 Price
	 Tungsten carbide measuring faces: ø 6.5 mm.                                              range/mm mm EUR
	 From measuring range 25 - 50 mm including
                                                                              909.982 	 0	-	 25 	 ± 0.003     51.00
  setting gauge.                                                              909.983 	 25	-	 50 	 ± 0.003    65.00
                                                                              909.984 	 50	-	 75 	 ± 0.004    75.00
                                                                     909.982  909.985 	 75	-	100 	 ± 0.004    87.00
                                                                              909.986 	 100	-	125 	 ± 0.005  111.00
                                                                              909.987 	 125	-	150 	 ± 0.005  130.00

                                                                              Option:                        0.50
                                                                              495.157 Battery type CR2032

Digital micrometers with double display

  This patented micrometer distinguishes itself with its two large displays on both sides of the instru­ment,
which can also display the read-out upside-down. Therefore the measuring value can always be presented
upright, which enables ergonomic read-out at all times. Add to this its measuring range of 30 mm, the
tungsten carbide measuring faces and you have a micrometer with a great price-performance ratio.

	 Measuring range: 0 - 205 mm.                                               	 Automatic switch-off.
	 Resolution: 0.001 mm.                                                      	 Reset/preset.
	 mm/inch conversion.                                                        	 Tungsten carbide measuring faces: ø 6.5 mm.
	 ABS/INC switchable.                                                        	 From measuring range 25 - 55 mm including
	 Double LCD display.
	 Second display can be switched on/off                                        setting gauge.
                                                                              	 Delivery in a plastic case.
  separately.                                                                 	 Power supply: 1 battery type CR2032.

                                                                  907.682     Item No. Measuring 	 Accuracy 	 Price
                                                       Measuring value                      range/mm mm EUR

                                                         ‘upside-down’.       907.682 	 0	-	 30 	 ± 0.004    152.00
Second display: also for left-handed use.                                     907.683 	 25	-	 55 	 ± 0.004   188.00
                                                                              907.684 	 50	-	 80 	 ± 0.005   215.00
                                                                              907.685 	 75	-	105 	 ± 0.005   242.00
                                                                              907.686 	 100	-	130 	 ± 0.006  270.00
                                                                              907.687 	 125	-	155 	 ± 0.006  297.00
                                                                              907.688 	 150	-	180 	 ± 0.007  325.00
                                                                              907.689 	 175	-	205 	 ± 0.007  352.00

                                                                              Option:                        0.50                C03.301.EN.20250106
                                                                              495.157 Battery type CR2032

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