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P. 510
DeMeet video measuring machines
Optical measurements Lenses with various magnifications from
Optical measurements are performed using 1x to 10x are available and can be exchanged
during a measuring run, generating a range in
the camera system, optics and adjustable display magnification from 40x to 400x.
illumination. Due to the non-contact nature of
the measurements there is no risk of product conventional telecentric
deformation. Optical measuring is very suitable
for products with fine structures and contact
sensitive products.
Another advantage of optical measurements
is that edge information can be defined directly
with high density of measuring points. Within
the field of view of the DeMeet a very high
accuracy can be achieved.
Optical system Illumination
A combination of high quality telecentric Illumination is essential for accurate
optics and DeMeet Sony sensor camera is measurements. The DeMeet is standard
integrated for a clear image with an excellent equipped with LED based illumination
contrast and a high resolution. In combination (backlight, coaxial light and segmented ring
with the image processing functionality of light). A ring light consisting of a 3 rings, 16
the DeMeet, this results in highly accurate segments and 48 cells LED pattern, that can
measurements. be controlled per individual ring, segment
and cell, is standard supplied for optimal light
Telecentric optics are supplied as a standard configuration.
to avoid perspective image distortion around the
center of the field of view. The DeMeet is either The ring light can be set in intensity and
equipped with Nikon, Leica-Design or Mitutoyo angle to achieve the best contrast with clearly
optics with a large working distance for a defined edges. The backlight is transmitted
brilliant image with high contrast providing from below and is used to highlight the profile
optimal edge detection. of the edges. Coaxial lighting can be used for
illumination inside deep located structures. The
LED based backlight and coaxial light can be
adjusted in intensity.
The configuration of the illumination
is automatically controlled during a CNC
measuring run. A coaxial laser pointer assists
navigation during creation of a measuring
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