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P. 513
Schut Geometrical Metrology DEMEET 3D CNC MEASURING MACHINES
DeMeet video and multi-sensor measuring machines (continued)
Measuring Program
A measuring program in Approve for DeMeet
is a graphical program consisting of simple
program steps. Program steps can be changed,
added, copied, moved and removed very easily,
inputs of a program step can be easily changed
or linked to other results by using drag-and-
drop. A program can be verified by running it
step by step, even a single program step can be
run for verification. After running a program
step an icon appears behind it to indicate its
Download the
brochure from
Results, Report and Export PTB software evaluation
Results from measurements and calculations Evaluation software for coordinate
(constructs, fits, etc.) as well as from other measuring machines. The accuracy of the
program steps can be added to an export or Approve for DeMeet software was verified
report and saved or printed as PDF or CSV by comparing the results obtained from the
file for further analysis. If tolerances are used software with reference results supplied by the
for a result a graphical tolerance bar is shown. PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt,
Results and reports can be automatically printed Braunschweig, Germany). The Approve for
or exported at the end of a measuring program DeMeet software has been placed in the class of
run. the smallest deviations.
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