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P. 484
HARDNESS TESTERS Schut for Precision
Portable digital hardness testers
Measuring range: Operating temperature: -20 to 40°C.
HL 174 - 900, HB 20 - 655, Delivery with a manufacturer measuring report.
HRC 19.6 - 68, HV 80 - 940, Delivery in a plastic carrying case with cable,
HRB 13.5 - 101.7, HS 32.5 - 99.5.
small supporting ring, cleaning brush and test
Accuracy: ± 0.5% (at HL 800). block D (909.478).
On/off switch, automatic switch-off. Digital hardness tester (909.470)
Min. radius of spherical surface: 30 mm. Storage for 10 000 measuring values.
Tungsten carbide stylus tip. Dimensions basic instrument: 133 x 75 x 29 mm.
USB data output. Weight basic instrument: 260 g.
DIN 50156 and ISO 16859. Delivery with external impact module D
Requirements Power supply: 2 batteries type AA.
Impact Min. weight Min. thickness/mm Max.
module workpiece/kg object hardened roughness
1 2 top layer 3 Ra/μm
C 0.5 1.5 1 0.2 0.4
D/DL 2 5 3 0.8 2
G 5 15 10 – 7
1 On a solid base of at least 5 kg.
2 Without solid base.
3 Minimum thickness of a hardened top layer, if any.
Item No. Description Price EUR
909.470 Digital hardness tester 1,597.00 909.470 909.470
909.485 Digital hardness tester 1,763.00
Options: 315.00 Digital hardness tester (909.485)
909.477 Set special support rings 176.00 Storage for 2000 measuring values.
909.4781 Testblock D, 2.5 kg (HLD 790 ± 40) 353.00 With integrated impact module D.
909.4791,2 Testblock G, 5.5 kg (HLD 590 ± 40) OLED display.
Dimensions basic instrument: 158 x 41 x 26 mm.
Options (only for 909.470): 0.70 Weight basic instrument: 120 g.
495.111 Battery type AA (2 needed) 771.00 Delivery with AC adapter/charger,
909.471 Ext. impact module D 1,432.00
909.472 Ext. impact module G 771.00 software and integrated impact
909.473 Ext. impact module C 1,873.00 module D.
909.474 Ext. impact module DL 121.00 Power supply: 1 rechargeable
909.481 Cable for ext. impact module battery 3.7 V.
AC adapter/charger.
1 Delivered with a manufacturer measuring report.
2 For use in combination with impact module G.
Selection table materials for impact module D
bright steel 300 - 900 20.0 - 68.0 38.4 - 99.5 80 - 647 32.5 - 99.5 80 - 940
tool steel
stainless steel 300 - 840 20.4 - 67.1 80 - 898 909.485
gray cast iron
cast iron 300 - 800 19.6 - 62.4 46.5 - 101.7 85 - 655 85 - 802
cast aluminum
brass 360 - 650 93 - 334 (30D2)
copper 400 - 660 131 - 387 (30D2)
174 - 560 20 - 159 (10D2)
200 - 550 13.5 - 95.3 40 - 173 (10D2) C18.319.EN.20250106
300 - 700 60 - 290 (10D2)
200 - 690 45 - 315 (10D2)
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