Page 53 - Schut Catalog
P. 53

Schut Geometrical Metrology                                                   CALIPERS

  Mitutoyo special-purpose calipers (continued)

536.152                                        573.654      536.146           573.648

536.151                                        573.653      536.145           573.647

Item No. Measuring 	 Read-out * 	 Price                     536.161           573.662
range/mm  mm                                   EUR

With inside angled measuring pins:
536.152 	 0	-	150 	 0.05 (V) 551.00
573.654 	 0	-	150 	 0.01 (D) 767.00

With inside angled measuring jaws:                                   536.142
536.151 	 0	-	150 	 0.05 (V) 429.00
573.653 	 0	-	150 	 0.01 (D) 655.00

With outside angled measuring pins:
536.146 	 20	-	150 	 0.05 (V) 505.00
536.147 	 30	-	300 	 0.05 (V) 555.00
536.148 	 70	-	450 	 0.05 (V) 1,040.00
536.149 	 70	-	600 	 0.05 (V) 1,068.00
573.648 	 20	-	170 	 0.01 (D) 782.00

With outside angled measuring jaws:                                                                             573.643
536.145 	 10	-	150 	 0.05 (V) 523.00
573.647 	 10	-	160 	 0.01 (D) 742.00                                                                            536.212
                                                            Measuring instruments and systems 2023/2024
For tube wall thickness measurements:
536.161 	 0	-	150 	 0.05 (V) 386.00
573.662 	 0	-	150 	 0.01 (D) 655.00

For internal measurements:                     699.00
536.142 	 10	-	200 	 0.05 (V)                  845.00
573.643 	 10	-	200 	 0.01 (D)

With swivelling measuring jaw:                                                                                           C02.322.EN.20250106
536.212 	 0	-	200 	 0.05 (V) 685.00

*	V = vernier read-out, D = digital read-out.

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