Page 52 - Schut Catalog
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CALIPERS                                                            Schut for Precision

  Mitutoyo special-purpose calipers

  Mitutoyo special-purpose analog (vernier) and digital (Absolute Digimatic Coolant Proof IP67)
calipers. For more information please contact our sales department.

Item No. Measuring 	 Read-out * 	 Price                    536.134  573.635
          range/mm     mm                      EUR         536.121  573.622
With thinner tungsten carbide measuring
jaws (thickness 0.75 mm):
536.134 	 0	-	150 	 0.05 (V) 438.00
536.135 	 0	-	200 	 0.05 (V) 474.00
573.635 	 0	-	150 	 0.01 (D) 742.00

With pointed measuring jaws:                   230.00
536.121 	 0	-	150 	 0.05 (V)                   513.00
573.622 	 0	-	150 	 0.01 (D)

With thin pointed measuring jaws:
573.626 	 0	-	150 	 0.01 (D) 577.00

For scribing, with tungsten carbide                        536.221  573.676
measuring jaws:
536.221 	 0	-	150 	 0.05 (V) 173.00
536.222 	 0	-	200 	 0.05 (V) 209.00
536.223 	 0	-	300 	 0.05 (V) 436.00
573.676 	 0	-	150 	 0.01 (D) 382.00
573.677 	 0	-	200 	 0.01 (D) 501.00
573.679 	 0	-	300 	 0.01 (D) 1,313.00

With slidable measuring jaw:                   320.00
536.101 	 0	-	150 	 0.05 (V)                   388.00
536.102 	 0	-	200 	 0.05 (V)                   519.00
536.103 	 0	-	300 	 0.05 (V)                   655.00
573.611 	 0	-	150 	 0.01 (D)                   730.00
573.612 	 0	-	200 	 0.01 (D)                   871.00
573.614 	 0	-	300 	 0.01 (D)

For center distances:                                      536.101  573.611
536.105 	 10	-	150 	
536.106 	 10	-	200 	   0.05 (V)                430.00                                                   C02.321.EN.20250106
536.107 	 10	-	300 	   0.05 (V)                502.00
573.615 	 10	-	160 	   0.05 (V)                606.00
573.616 	 10	-	210 	   0.01 (D)                623.00
573.618 	 10	-	310 	   0.01 (D)                691.00
                       0.01 (D)                933.00

*	V = vernier read-out, D = digital read-out.              536.106  573.615

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