Page 496 - Schut Catalog
P. 496

TACHOMETER / DYNAMOMETERS                                                        Schut for Precision

  Tachometer                                                Torquemeters

	 Measuring range: 	                                     	 Measuring range: 1 - 20 Ncm.
  0 - 10 000 rpm and 0 - 1000 m/min.                      	 Intended for static measurements.
                                                          	 Includes 6 attachments for 	
	 Graduation: 0.002 x the measuring range.
	 Includes attachments.                                    2 to 7 mm shafts for the small models, and 	
                                                            3 to 8 mm shafts for the large models.

              855.850                                                                        857.740

Item No.      Measuring range                 Price       Item No. Measuring 	 Graduation 	 Price
           	  rpm	 m/min                      EUR                 range/Ncm Ncm              EUR
855.850 	 0 - 10000	 0 - 1000                             Small model:
                                               6.70       857.738 	 1	-	12 	 1
Options:                                       6.70                                 556.00
855.853 Conical tip                          13.30
855.855 Concave tip                                       Large model:              691.00
855.856 Wheel                                             857.740 	 2	-	20 	 0.5

  Strain gauges

  Handy strain gauges suitable for measurements in two directions.
	 Measuring range: 0.015 - 100 N.
	 Indication accuracy: 	

  ± 2% of the entire scale.
	 With peak pointer.


Small model                                          Large model

Item No. Measuring 	 Graduation 	 Price              Item No. Measuring 	 Graduation 	 Length 	 Price
               range/N N EUR                                        range/N N mm EUR

857.702 	 0.015	-	0.15 	  0.005             197.00   857.721 	 0.25	-	 2.5 	  0.05  	 153.5 338.00             C17.205.EN.20250106
857.703 	 0.03	 -	0.3 	   0.01              197.00   857.725 	 3	 -	 30 	     0.5   	 153.5 497.00
857.704 	 0.05	 -	0.5 	   0.01              197.00   857.727 	 5	 -	 50 	     1     	 127.5 540.00
857.705 	 0.1	 -	1 	      0.02              197.00   857.728 	10	 -	100 	     2     	 127.5 586.00

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