Page 294 - Schut Catalog
P. 294                                                              MICROSCOPES

  Stand microscopes 20x ... 100x

  These stand microscopes are available in four ver­sions. All four are compact and lightweight,
but are especially characterized by their large field of view. Delivered in a case, including LED
penlight, matching standard scale and objective. The microscopes come with a Huygens eyepiece
(magnification 10x) and with a detachable soft rubber eye adapter. All-purpose use with high

  A scale graduation (with a 10 mm scale range) has been engraved on the focusing ring which
allows height measurements at a resolution of 0.1 mm.
	 Focusing with helicoil ring.
	 Eyepiece: 10x.
	 Dimensions: ø 41.5 x 122 mm.
	 Weight (without batteries): 262 - 264 g.
	 Power supply: 1 battery type AAA.

Item No.  Magnification 	            Price
           microscope                CZK
Standard scales:    20x                              910.414                                 910.422
910.414 	           40x                                                                      910.418
910.415 	           60x
910.416 	          100x

910.422 Individual eyepiece 10x

910.418 Individual objective 2x
910.419 Individual objective 4x
910.420 Individual objective 6x
910.421 Individual objective 10x

Item No. 	 Magnification	 Objective  Field of view 	 Working 	     Measuring 	 Graduation 	  Price
                                     ø/mm    distance/mm           range/mm  mm

910.409   	 20x	     2x              	 7.2   	 20               	  6         	 0.1
910.410   	 40x	     4x              	 3.6   	 21               	  3         	 0.05
910.411   	 60x	     6x              	 2.4   	 13.5             	  2         	 0.02
910.412   	 100x	  10x               	 1.45  	7                 	  1         	 0.01

Options:  Spare battery type AAA                                                                      C13.328.Somet.20240422
497.914   LED penlight

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