Page 240 - Schut Catalog
P. 240                                                                                 GAUGE BLOCKS

Gauge blocks general

Which gauge block is the most suitable for you?

                      MATERIALS                                         Class 2
Steel                                                                     Class 2 gauge blocks are intended for general workshop

  Steel is the oldest material and remains the most commonly            use by skilled workers to set up, for example, measuring
accepted for gauge blocks. If well taken care of, steel gauges          instruments.
guarantee many years of useful life. They must be cleaned               Class 1
carefully before and after use and stored in a protective case in
a dry environment.                                                        Class 1 gauge blocks are used as working standards in
Tungsten carbide                                                        inspection rooms within the produc­tion to set and calibrate
                                                                        measuring instruments and equipment as well as to inspect
  When a higher degree of hardness is needed, tungsten                  tools, fixtures and machines.
carbide is the material to choose. It is less sensitive to wear         Class 0
and damage compared to hardened steel. Especially when
used frequently, tungsten carbide has an increased life span              Class 0 gauge blocks, with their high accuracy, are intended
compared to steel gauge blocks.                                         for use by measuring technicians in environmentally controlled
Ceramics                                                                inspection rooms, for example to calibrate measuring
  Ceramics is relatively wear resistant and has a high degree           Class K
of strength and stability. It will not rust and is unaffected by
chemicals. 	                                                              Class K gauge blocks have the highest class of accuracy.
                                                                        They are the length standards in a calibration laboratory and
                 ACCURACY CLASSES                                       other calibration values are derived from these gauges. Only
Gauge blocks are classified in upgrading order of accuracy              with a UKAS certificate – or with another certificate, accepted
according EN ISO 3650: 1998 in the classes: 2, 1, 0, K. The             by UKAS as equivalent (e.g. DAkkS, RvA and COFRAC)
ISO 3650 is an international standard, which is adopted by              – will these gauge blocks be at their best. The most accurate
national standards such as RvA, DAkkS, UKAS, BKO, SCS                   gauges can meet a tolerance of ± 0.05 µm.

Accuracy according ISO 3650

  Nominal     Class K                            Class 0                 Class 1                Class 2
     mm       	 Tolerance	 Devi-          	 Tolerance	 Devi-             	 Tolerance	 Devi-     	 Tolerance	 Devi-

	 0.5	-	 10   	 on nominal	 ation *       	 on nominal	 ation *          	 on nominal	 ation *  	 on nominal	 ation *
	 10	 -	 25
	 25	 -	 50   	 size	               µm    	 size	                  µm    	 size	    µm          	 size	    µm
	 50	 -	 75
	 75	 -	 100  	 µm                        	 µm                           	 µm                   	 µm
	100	 -	 150
	150	 -	 200  	 ± 0.20	             0.05  	 ± 0.12	                0.10  	 ± 0.20	  0.16        	 ± 0.45	  0.30                          C11.202.Somet.20240422
	200	 -	 250  	 ± 0.30	             0.05  	 ± 0.14	                0.10  	 ± 0.30	  0.16        	 ± 0.60	  0.30
	250	 -	 300  	 ± 0.40	             0.06  	 ± 0.20	                0.10  	 ± 0.40	  0.18        	 ± 0.80	  0.30
	300	 -	 400  	 ± 0.50	             0.06  	 ± 0.25	                0.12  	 ± 0.50	  0.18        	 ± 1.00	  0.35
	400	 -	 500  	 ± 0.60	             0.07  	 ± 0.30	                0.12  	 ± 0.60	  0.20        	 ± 1.20	  0.35
	500	 -	 600  	 ± 0.80	             0.08  	 ± 0.40	                0.14  	 ± 0.80	  0.20        	 ± 1.60	  0.40
	600	 -	 700  	 ± 1.00	             0.09  	 ± 0.50	                0.16  	 ± 1.00	  0.25        	 ± 2.00	  0.40
	700	 -	 800  	 ± 1.20	             0.10  	 ± 0.60	                0.16  	 ± 1.20	  0.25        	 ± 2.40	  0.45
	800	 -	 900  	 ± 1.40	             0.10  	 ± 0.70	                0.18  	 ± 1.40	  0.25        	 ± 2.80	  0.50
	900	 -	1000  	 ± 1.80	             0.12  	 ± 0.90	                0.20  	 ± 1.80	  0.30        	 ± 3.60	  0.50
              	 ± 2.20	             0.14  	 ± 1.10	                0.25  	 ± 2.20	  0.35        	 ± 4.40	  0.60
              	 ± 2.60	             0.16  	 ± 1.30	                0.25  	 ± 2.60	  0.40        	 ± 5.00	  0.70
              	 ± 3.00	             0.18  	 ± 1.50	                0.30  	 ± 3.00	  0.45        	 ± 6.00	  0.70
              	 ± 3.40	             0.20  	 ± 1.70	                0.30  	 ± 3.40	  0.50        	 ± 6.50	  0.80
              	 ± 3.80	             0.20  	 ± 1.90	                0.35  	 ± 3.80	  0.50        	 ± 7.50	  0.90
              	 ± 4.20	             0.25  	 ± 2.00	                0.40  	 ± 4.20	  0.60        	 ± 8.00	  1.00

*	Deviation of the measuring face.

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